| January 5-16 2026 | 11 | Bridgetown to Fort Lauderdale Voyage SL260105011 |
| January 16-26 2026 | 10 | Fort Lauderdale to Bridgetown Voyage SL260116010 |
| January 26 February 2 2026 | 7 | Bridgetown to Bridgetown Voyage SL260126007 |
| February 2-12 2026 | 10 | Bridgetown to Fort Lauderdale Voyage SL260202010 |
| February 12-23 2026 | 11 | Fort Lauderdale to Bridgetown Voyage SL260212011 |
| February 23 March 2 2026 | 7 | Bridgetown to Bridgetown Voyage SL260223007 |
| March 2-15 2026 | 13 | Bridgetown to Lisbon Voyage SL260302013 |
| March 15-25 2026 | 10 | Lisbon to Lisbon Voyage SL260315010 |
| March 25 April 4 2026 | 10 | Lisbon to Lisbon Voyage SL260325010 |
| May 5-15 2026 | 10 | Lisbon to Lisbon Voyage SL260505010 |
| May 15-27 2026 | 12 | Lisbon to Southampton Voyage SL260515012 |
| May 27 June 7 2026 | 11 | Southampton to Ijmuiden (Amsterdam) Voyage SL260527011 |
| June 7-19 2026 | 12 | Ijmuiden (Amsterdam) to Copenhagen Voyage SL260607012 |
| June 19 July 1 2026 | 12 | Copenhagen to Ijmuiden (Amsterdam) Voyage SL260619012 |
| July 1-12 2026 | 11 | Ijmuiden (Amsterdam) to Southampton Voyage SL260701011 |
| July 12-23 2026 | 11 | Southampton to Ijmuiden (Amsterdam) Voyage SL260712011 |
| July 23 August 4 2026 | 12 | jmuiden (Amsterdam) to Copenhagen Voyage SL260723012 |
| August 4-16 2026 | 12 | Copenhagen to Ijmuiden (Amsterdam) Voyage SL260804012 |
| August 16-27 2026 | 11 | Ijmuiden (Amsterdam) to Southampton Voyage SL260816011 |
| August 27 September 8 2026 | 12 | Southampton to Lisbon Voyage SL260827012 |
| September 8-18 2026 | 10 | Lisbon to Lisbon Voyage SL260908010 |
| September 18-28 2026 | 10 | Lisbon to Barcelona Voyage SL260918010 |
| September 28 October 8 2026 | 10 | Barcelona to Civitavecchia (Rome) Voyage SL260928010 |
| October 8-18 2026 | 10 | Civitavecchia (Rome) to Fusina (Venice) Voyage SL261008010 |
| October 18-28 2026 | 10 | Fusina (Venice) to Athens (Piraeus) Voyage SL261018010 |
| October 28 November 7 2026 | 10 | Athens (Piraeus) to Athens (Piraeus) Voyage SL261028010 |
| November 7-22 2026 | 15 | Athens (Piraeus) to Lisbon Voyage SL261107015 |